Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Madame Curie Fan-Fiction Which I Wrote

There are two women clad in white, performing experimental tests. One’s eyesight is not so good so she compensates. The other, maybe she is Marie Curie studying radioactivity. Both are anxious for the outcome; obvious Nobel Prize contention being the reward for a positive test. But, ah, where is Pierre? The women are more anxious concerning the absence of Curie’s husband, the imminent physicist Pierre Curie, whose earlier work with magnetism catapulted him to a sort of fame. The two women piggybacked their way on his success, obvious stigmas associated with female scientific work, to gain access to the laboratories required to explore the areas they wished to. But how would Pierre react? He certainly didn’t know. Pierre is going to be so pissed at them. They earnestly hoped that Pierre’s inevitable discovery of their commandeered lab would be long past the discovery of their own forbidden relationship. Alas, it was not to be as Pierre, using the nose he was famous for, detected strange odors wafting through the house. The man was a bloodhound. He burst through the doors upon the women, furious. Madame Curie could only think of one thing to say:

-Please, Pierre, don’t dump me. I still love science.

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